Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Happy May Day!


I didn't know much about May Day til I did a bit of research this morning. It started in the Middle Ages and is actually two distinct holidays: one in honor of spring and the other in recognition of workers. It celebrates the end of the harsh winter months and the start of the fertile summer months by feasting, frolicking and competing in games. It is also known as International Workers' Day, May Day has a connection to work that dates back to the late 19th century, when American laborers fought for an eight-hour workday. In much of Western Europe and parts of America, May Day is now celebrated with traditional folk dancing around a maypole, a tree-like totem that typically stands up to ten feet tall. At one time, this practice marked the beginning of courting season for young adults.
      Here is another little tidbit about May Day... Worried that the rowdy festival made people frisky, the Catholic Church banned May Day celebrations in the early 1600s. The clergy wasn't the only group to point out May Day's sexual undertones: Several historians have suggested that the maypole is a phallic symbol. OK there is your history lesson for the day! But May 1st is also my brother in law Charlie's 35th birthday so that makes it even more special! Happy Birthday old man!
      Well for me.. today has been nothing but wonderful.. I haven't done a darn thing! I slept til 11:00am after having another one of my nights of dreaming the same stupid dream over and over and over! After the same dream every time I wake up, roll over and do it all over again. It really makes for a suck night of sleep! But I'm grateful for waking up and still being here on this crazy planet! I'll get up here shortly and work on cleaning up my animal areas and picking up the house.. its really in good shape so it shouldn't take me long!
      Today is Tuesday.. so I am being rather picky with what I eat since tomorrow is Weigh In Wednesday but I'm not sure how its going to go this week it could go either way.. we have eaten out alot this week but I have been extremely busy with cleaning, rearranging, walking, some running, so it may have helped even out all the eating out or at least I hope so. If not tomorrow is a new week for me and I wont make that mistake again. I can say this.. I don't feel like Ive gained weight so my gut is saying I'm OK but the scale will definitely let me know tomorrow! Only plus I got is tonight is ZUMBA.. if there are 2 classes tonight I think I will stay and do both of them.. it surely cant hurt!
     I can hear the trash man outside I'm sure he hates us this week for the huge pile we have out there after doing all the Spring Cleaning we've been doing and that doesn't even include the huge pile in the garage for our upcoming yard sale.. we have been on a mission!! Thank you Mr. Trash man!

This is for Terri my Zumba instructor!
She does look like the chic on the left the rest of us are definitely the one on the right! LOL
Love it!

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