Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sunday.. Stormy and Sore!

          I went and joined Planet Fitness on Raytown Rd.. you cant beat 10 bucks a month! I did 0.5 mile on the Arc trainer (like an elliptical), 4.81 on the Spin bike, the 12 minute ab circuit and lots of work on my triceps. Spent two and a half hours at the gym today! Go me! After we left I went to see this empty store front Terri has been interested in to open a studio for Zumba, personal training, and who knows what else (I'm hoping when I hit my goal weight to become a certified Zumba instructor.. Terri is my inspiration!!) and we got caught in a BAD storm! It hailed and hailed and we both just kept going Ohhh, Ouch, Ohhh our poor cars were getting beat up! After the storm passed we got in our cars and headed for Grandview but ended up getting caught in another hail storm.. cars running into each other on Hwy 71.. it was an interesting drive home to say the least!

          My body is sore tonight but I'm really hoping this will put my weight loss on an even faster track than what I'm already on.. I'm not complaining but if I could lose 2-3 a week  I would be thrilled!
          Thank you Sharon for bringing Dalton home this evening! Hope your foot gets better soon!

          I am going to go play some Pinochle for awhile and put my screaming legs up! Hope you all stayed dry today!

Thought of the day....

The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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