Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Super Exciting Weigh In Wednesday!

    Today was Weigh In Wednesday and I knew I had had a good week I just felt it and usually your gut is right when it comes to weighing in.. I lost another half an inch this week (total of 32 inches so far)  but did much better in the pounds department.. 3.6 POUNDS!!! That's a total of 29.6 pounds! I was hoping for that extra 0.4 for my 30 pounds but I'm not complaining I'll get it next week!
    Went out to dinner tonight with my adorkable hubby and my super sweet sister in law Sharonnnnnnnnnnn.. LOL ended up at Bob Evans and I got a grilled chicken sandwich and carrots but I did splurge and have mashed potatoes and a dinner roll.. but I tracked it all! So I'm good!
     Only have 2 more days with my Bean before she heads back home Friday with Uncle Ethan.. she is alot different this time than she has been in the past! She has quite a little attitude for a 4 yr old (cant believe she'll be 5 a month from today).. I miss my sweet Jelly Bean but Damnma still loves her! We spent alot of time today working on her numbers, letters, and her name for kindergarten but that had its moments! It was almost like I was bugging her! She is just to much of a princess to have to think about school.. LOL I'll pray for you Megs I think you're going to need it! LMAO!
     Tomorrow I need to run a ton of errands,go to the store to get Ethan and Bean some snacks for the train and take Dalton to get his haircut.. He wants a design in his head now too! Its just hair it grows back!
     I still cant believe it was 94 degrees today we broke the record from 1989 of 91 degrees.. All I got to say is IT WAS TOO DAMN HOT TODAY FOR APRIL!!

Thought of the day...
If you wish to grow thinner, diminish your dinner.

Henry Sambrooke Leigh

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