Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Long time no blog..

I am such a slacker... I know its been awhile since I have blogged (shame on me) but life has been soooo busy here. Where should I begin... Ray and I are still together becoming a stronger couple everyday! I love him more and more everyday and again I'm grateful we have this chance to rebuild together what we lost sooo many years ago.

After about a week and a half of job searching in early July to mid July I now have two jobs.. a full time one where I work 4-5 doubles (16 hour shifts) a pay period and a PRN one (where I work about 8  shifts a month) both working night shift and I'm OK with that... I like nights but I do miss spending time with Ray and the boys. I feel like I sleep all the time I really don't I'm just sleeping when they are awake so it just feels like it to me. Ray has been awesome with helping with laundry and dinners if I am tired and for that I am again GRATEFUL!!! Thanks babe! I am forever thrilled when its our days off cuz right now they are few for both of us since we are trying to save money to get our own place.

My weight loss journey has taken a short hiatus.. I have NOT gained anything which is good but I have not lost anymore either.. I am still at 165! So as much as I'm not happy with no more losses I am OK with no gains as well. I will get back on this after I get some more money coming in and start eating better again and the heat dies down and I can get outside and walk more. I will make my goal weight!

On July 13th my 10 yr old nephew Kyle was diagnosed with Stage 3 Hodgkin's Lymphoma!! What a shock to our whole family! He has gone through 4 doses of chemo so far since July 17th and I'm sooo proud of him! He had a port put in his chest that ended up tilting and had to be removed and also had a PICC line put in. This kid has had 4 surgeries as well just this month alone. My son Ethan started a support page for him on Facebook called "Pray for Kyle" he reads everything everyone puts on this page so please feel free to join it and give this little guy all the encouragement he needs to fight this battle. I love you Ky very much even though you are onery and nosey!!

My life is really good right now.. I am happy truly happy crazy busy and exhausted but happy! There could be a few things that would make it better but we are working on them (our own place) but I'm excited with what our future holds and looking forward to it more and more each day as we get closer.

Had an awesome chat on the phone with my SIL Sharon... good news and bad news but I have surely missed talking to her. I love you Sharon!

Thought of the day...

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